Embodied Imagination® Institute
Next Training BEGINS February, 18, 2023
This three-year training program, leads to an international certification as an Embodiment Therapist or Practitioner and a membership in the International Society for Embodied Imagination, initially established in Guangzhou, China in 2006.
The first 2 years of the training are a general curriculum and in the 3rd year, the trainee follows a therapy or a creative arts track. The training will be online with three intensive Saturday through Sunday sessions each year; and through interactive online audio/video supervision, a Brief and In-Depth experience with both Robert Bosnak and Jill Fischer, and partner sessions with fellow participants.
Embodied Imagination® is a technique applicable to psychotherapy, the treatment of trauma, medicine (triggering the self-healing reflex,) and creative endeavors such as theater (character embodiment,) film, writing, the arts, and research.
The first principle of embodied imagination is to encounter images from the point of view of dreaming, not waking. From this perspective an image is a live environment that surrounds us and presents itself as self-evidently real and embodied. Images belong to the involuntary imagination and embody their own intelligence. This program explores images in dreams, flashback memories, the imagination and art, the physical body, and relational fields.
Embodied Imagination® is a technique which takes dreaming as the paradigm for all work with images. From the dreaming perspective, an image is an environment in which we find ourselves. The Embodied Imagination® technique has developed ways to flashback into the image, whether it is a memory from waking life or from dreaming, and explores the image environment from a variety of perspectives through feelings and sensations manifested in the body. The body becomes the theater for a vivid complexity of states, leading along ‘alchemical’ lines to profound transformation.
The academic areas covered consist of:
• The neuroscience of dreaming
• The scientific study of the placebo effect
• Complexity theory
• Imagination in gender, race and ethnicity, and in other political
issues (e.g. ecology)
• Phenomenology
• Alchemy as a metaphor system of embodied imagination
• A study of mimesis and theater
• Enactment in relational fields
• Trauma and dissociation studies
• A history of dream incubation and intentional dreaming
• Brief and In-Depth Psychoanalytic Work
• A history of psychoanalysis via the Jungian, post-Jungian, and relational schools
• Groups [psychotherapeutic and dream groups that explore the imagination].
Year One: February 18, 2023 – 2024
Three, two day, online sessions to include:
Theory, Dreamwork, and Supervision
The first three sessions for 2023 – 2024
Sat. 9:00 -12:30 PM – 2:00 PM-4:30 PM
Sun 9:00 -12:30 PM – 2:00 PM-4:30 PM
09:00-10:30AM Theory/Lecture
10:30-10:45AM Discussion
11:00-12:30PM Image work [memories, dreams]
12:30–2:00PM Lunch
2:00-4:30PM Image work [memories, dreams] Discussion/wrap-up
Additional Training In:
1. Brief and In-Depth Intervention:
Embodied Imagination® is a radically new technique which views imagery – dreams and memory flashbacks — as embodied environments in which we find ourselves. Working on images from this perspective stimulates unfamiliar states of consciousness and helps to contain them in expanded body awareness. Combined with focused incubation techniques from the dawn of Western medicine, this method has demonstrated healing effects in people with physical illness and survivors of trauma, giving rise to creative bursts in artists, as well as in-depth solutions to psychological and relational problems.
Brief and In-Depth work combines ancient incubation techniques with 8 weekly sessions that are centered on an area in an individual’s life that feels important to explore. Each participant will have two opportunities to experience Brief and In-Depth sessions over the course of the program. One eight-week experience will be with Robert Bosnak and one with Jill Fischer.
2. Two, 2 hour, Joint Group Supervision sessions, over the Internet with other Online EI Trainees.
3. Six 90-minute supervision sessions each year for three years working dreams with your dream partners (3 with Robert Bosnak and 3 with Jill Fischer each year).
4. All didactic sessions will be taped.
5. Each participant will be assigned a partner every six months on a rotating basis. Both will arrange to meet and work on each other’s dreams at their leisure.
Year Two: 2024 – 2025
The additional training that is part of the first year is continued in year two.
Year Three: 2025 – 2026
All dates will follow
Emphasis during this last year will be placed on specialization in tracks related to: Art (Actors and Writers), Medicine (Physical Illness), and Psychotherapy (Group and Individual work with memories, dreams, and the relational field).
Skype www.skype.com and Zoom will be used for work with partners online and for Brief and In-Depth Sessions.
Institute Fees:
For Information regarding tuition fees, please e-mail Jill Fischer:
Any individual who leaves the program before a year’s end will still be required to the pay in full for that year’s fees. For your convenience payments can be divided into quarterly payments or paid in full.
Payments are due no later than the dates below or a $25.00 late charge will be added to the payment:
Location of Institute:
For more information contact:
Jill Fischer…jill@cyberdreamwork.com